Past Event | SoNA Voices: Latin Tones with Duo Capriccioso

Saturday, May 15, 2021
7:00pm / Free Event / Limited Capacity / REGISTRATION REQUIRED
Walter Turnbow Park, Springdale

"Latin Tones”, performed by Duo Capriccioso, explores the different nuances of passion contained in Latin American music — from Argentinian tangos to boleros from Mexico, and of course, music from their native country of Honduras. Some of the works to be performed include La Flor De La Canela (Perú), Alma Llanera (Venezuela), La Cumparsita (Uruguay), Bésame Mucho (México), Popurrí Catracho (Honduras); Oblivion (Argentina), Tico Tico No Fubá (Brazil), among others.

Flautist Denissa Rivas and violinist Raúl Munguía perform as Duo Capriccioso. This dynamic ensemble performs an eclectic repertoire that includes music from the elegant classical repertoire to the sensual rhythms of Latin American music. Duo Capriccioso gave its inaugural concert in August 2019 at the Bicknell Family Centre for the Arts in Pittsburg, Kansas with pianist Bob Ensor. The name ‘Capriccioso’, meaning capricious, refers to the adaptability of the duo to perform accompanied with piano or guitar, and to the performers playing other instruments such as viola or piccolo, alto flute, etc.

This event is free (registration required).


"Latin Tones”, una presentación del Dúo Capriccioso, explora los diferentes matices de pasión contenidos en la música latinoamericana, desde los tangos argentinos hasta los boleros de México y, por supuesto, la música del país natal de los intérpretes, Honduras. Algunas de las piezas que se ejecutarán son La Flor de la Canela (Perú), Alma Llanera (Venezuela), La Cumparsita (Uruguay), Bésame Mucho (México), Popurrí Catracho (Honduras); Oblivion (Argentina) y Tico Tico No Fubá (Brasil), entre otras.

La flautista Denissa Rivas y el violinista Raúl Munguía se presentan como Dúo Capriccioso. Esta dinámica agrupación toca un repertorio ecléctico en el que figuran desde la elegante música clásica hasta los ritmos sensuales de la música latinoamericana. El Dúo Capriccioso dio su concierto inaugural en agosto del 2019 en el  Bicknell Family Centre for the Arts en Pittsburg, Kansas con el pianista Bob Ensor.  El nombre  ‘Capriccioso’, que significa caprichoso, alude a la adaptabilidad del dúo para tocar acompañado de piano o guitarra, y de los intérpretes para tocar otros instrumentos como viola o flautín, flauta alto, etc.  

Este evento es gratis. (Es necesario inscribirse)


We encourage you to come at least 15 minutes in advance to find a seat. Plastic chairs will be available, but you are welcome to bring picnic blankets or your own seating if you wish. We request that you please remain 6 ft. away from all parties that are not in your household, and wear a mask when not seated socially distanced if you are unvaccinated. Hand sanitizer will be available. We want everybody to feel safe joining us at our events, so please respect these guidelines for the safety of others.

Turnbow Park is part of the Springdale Downtown Outdoor Dining District, as such there are many excellent restaurants and bars to choose from. We encourage you to come early to get takeout dinner and/or drinks to bring to the concert! The district allows drinks to be taken into the park and public areas within the designated boundaries.

The concert will start at 7pm and will be at Walter Turnbow Park, near the intersection of Spring St. and W. Emma Ave. In the case of rain, we will move to Shiloh Square (adjacent to the park). Seating will be placed around the park, largely in grassy areas between the creek and Phat Tire Bike Shop. We encourage you to keep noise to a minimum while music is played out of respect to the artists.

Thanks and see you soon!


• Patrons will be asked to stay 6 feet apart away from non-household members, and distancing markers will help aid seating safety.
• Se les pedirá a los espectadores que se mantengan a 6 pies de distancia de las personas que no sean integrantes de su hogar, y señalización de distanciamiento ayudará a guardar prudencia al sentarse.

• Masks must be worn unless you are seated 6 feet away from other patrons. If you leave your spot, you must re-mask.
• Hay que usar mascarilla a menos que se esté sentado a 6 pies de distancia de los demás espectadores. Si sale de su sitio, tiene que volver a ponerse la mascarilla.

• Hand sanitizer will be available and usage will be encouraged.
• Habrá desinfectante para manos y se alentará el uso del mismo.

• Please bring a blanket or seating if you do not want to sit directly on the grass.
• Traiga una manta o asiento si no desea sentarse directamente sobre el pasto.

• Bring a picnic or enjoy takeout food or drinks from one of the many local downtown Springdale restaurants. Downtown Springdale allows open containers outdoors.
• Traiga una comida de pícnic o disfrute de las comidas para llevar o bebidas de alguno de los numerosos restaurantes locales del centro de Springdale. En el centro de Springdale se permiten envases abiertos al aire libre.

Sponsored by the Willard & Pat Walker Charitable Foundation.


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